🦋 ro2en’s tech blog, focusing on Security and Privacy topics.
- Cross interest: web3.0, design, matri-philosophy.
- My wonderful digital tools: Apple Ecos, Obsidian, Reeder 5, Arc.
- My PGP below
🦋 ro2en’s tech blog, focusing on Security and Privacy topics.
A few months ago, I need to conduct dynamic analysis of a Daemon in a jailbroken iOS device, where the daemon is make up of some XPC Activities. Those XPC Activities could be found in the daemon’s configuration file (located at /System/Library/LaunchDaemons, with the .plist file extension) under the LaunchEvents field: # example daemon: audioanalyticsd $ plutil -p "/System/Library/LaunchDaemons/com.apple.audioanalyticsd.plist" # ... "Label" => "com.apple.audioanalyticsd" "LaunchEvents" => { # XPC activities "com....
For the convenience of research, theoretical cryptographers use Security Parameter to quantify the security of a cryptographic scheme and thus perform security analysis of cryptographic protocols. Before analyzing the security of a cryptographic protocol, it is necessary to set up a certain security model, which includes the assumption of the attacker’s computational power. Shannon’s Information Theory investigates the security of an attacker under the condition of having unlimited computational resources, which we call Information-theoretic security....